Friday, August 08, 2008

my granddaughters


Anonymous said...

WOW Your granddaughters are growing up! The baby Elizabeth has your eyes and your translucent, beautiful skin. What a joy to see!

I finally have a couple of pictures to send you -- one of Paige and Eric when they left for Hawaii on 5/17; the other is of me with my Birthday cake on 5/18. So glad to find the film which was missing for three weeks.

J.N. said...

From babies to toddlers to teenagers to twenties to thirty-something to my-god-I'm in my forties to there-is-life-after-50! to can-I-get-any-older? to why yes, I can! to octogenarian to 90-something to I guess I'm living forever to forever and back again to babies...
unless you're a walk-in or an opt-out.
Life could be delightful, our perception of 'reality' can be in our own hands, literally.